Playmobil at the Invalides: History... Forward, March!
Category : Exhibitions

An exceptional exhibition in Playmobil will be presented at the Invalides during the Christmas holidays and we will have the possibility to discover the military history in a different way.
A journey of the history of France in 10 scenes with more than 3000 Playmobil figures. The sale Turenne ,that habitually is closed to the public, will open for this exhibition.
You can find a a dedicated games area for all the family and you can leave with souvenir photos alongside giant Playmobil figurines.
An event for children and adults not to be missed!
Open every day from 10am to 5.30pm from Thursday 19 December 2019 to Sunday 5 January 2020 (closed 25th December and 1st January)
Musée de l’Armée
129 Rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris